my centrist/uninvolved relatives don't understand that I mean something very different than they do when we agree that the whole system is broken and there is no reason to engage with it.
Ignoring everything that is happening right now from the safety of your at home office job is not the same thing as the existential dread and righteous anger I feel everyday as a young person who knows there is no equality, no democracy, no future in this society
My relatives will nod along all day when I complain about the constant partisanship and corruption that permeates our whole political system, but the second I point the blame at the shameless billionaires who run our little oligarchy or question the role of money in government..
It is immediately made clear to me that they are only willing to point out the corruption and complain, but have no real interest in questioning WHY our government is incapable of making decisions for the benefit people they supposedly serve
I would say that many privileged and/or white americans KNOW that our government is broken, they KNOW that our society and economy perpetuates the worst of humanity and encourages their depravities, but they just don't care because society is designed in their favor
theres no real point to this thread and no one is gonna read it, but I guess my kind of point is I am mad and sad that the vast majority of my family will ultimately do anything in their power to maintain the hegemony of American supremacy..
..and that one day I will have to face them across the trenches, whatever those trenches look like when shit finally hits the fan. White supremacy in this country is subtle and insidious, permeates all levels of our society, controls our politics, and destroys empathy and reason
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