Phytonutrient news flash - "Quinine, which comes from the bark of a cinchona tree, was first isolated as an antimalarial compound in the 1800s, though there is evidence that bark extracts have been used to treat malaria since the 1600s. ...native to Peru."
The bitter taste may be part of quinine's medicinal benefits.

Zinc is involved with bitter taste receptors.

Effects of zinc deficiency & supplementation on gene expression of bitter taste receptors (TAS2Rs)...
-less zinc, fewer bitter taste receptors 
The REALLY important point about zinc deficiency & increasing the number of bitter taste receptors - is that we have them in our lungs & in other areas of the body and they do jobs for us besides send a bitter taste signal from the tongue to the brain.

In lungs - move mucus out
In the lungs the activation of bitter taste receptors opens the airway, increases mucus production & thins it, and increases cilia wave like motion to move the mucus up and out of the opened airway.

Breathing is nice.

Citrus peel has bitter tasting
phytonutrients in citrus peel have been studied for asthma treatment and for Metabolic Syndrome/weight loss.

We have bitter taste receptors in our intestines which when activated during a meal, tell the brain that enough food/enough bitter was eaten, stop now. indust
food industry removes the bitter phytonutrients from most processed food because 'consumer taste test' type of research suggests consumers like sweet and bland - baby food is sweet and bland.

We are not all babies.
Peace and bitter tasting food to you all.
*The other REALLY important thing about zinc deficiency - &...a symptom of lack of taste,

is that zinc is needed by the Thymus Gland for it to make immune T-cells and antibodies - to fight an infection.

Giving extra zinc can help restore thymus function
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