realize some of us keep our communities as small as we can to keep out hate. being a broadcaster means alot of people try to infiltrate our communities and we need safe spaces to exist. like discord. Some of us guard ours preciously. there is no room for error in our spaces
why might we have our streams in follower only mode? well because people often target us for hate raids, trolling etc and while we understand it's part of the gig sometimes we just wanna breathe and not feel like our house is on fire.
our links aren't always on display.... once again..dms calling us niggers, images of people being shot etc... we dont wanna do that everyday. we shouldnt have too. There are so many of us who also don't even have access to industry knowledge or etiquette as well bc of gatekeeping
and when we see your snarky tweets about some of these things realize it comes from an absolute place of privilege to not have to have reached a point where you have to do those things. i see pr people saying they turned off dms, why cant we do the same to combat racism?
just remember we are watching and learning from you (which can be confusing and intimidating) half of you say dms closed only email, some yell loudly about times to message while some message us at 2 am... we are really trying and would love a shot at opportunities
just know that somethings look different to others. and remember to be kind. us creators aren't out here just being hard to work with. Sometimes there's something more complicated behind it.
also numbers and metrics for POC you are choosing for your campaigns should LOOK DIFFERENT, if you acknowledge our lack of presence in the industry and that we make up a smaller percentage why are we being held to the same numbers game as our white counterparts?
anyways, this was just me thinking out loud on things i should probably not say if i wanna get actual paying work in this industry we are. Thanks to those who meet us where we are and help us grow as content creators. I have learned alot from some of ya'll from follows
and this isnt a thread to make excuses ..just offer perspective for some things
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