What your favorite political podcast says about you: a thread 🧵
(note: this is entire based on my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect reality)
-you're a busy guy but you like to stay informed
-you don't mind being depressed first thing in the morning because you're probably chronically depressed
-if you were a coffee, you'd be an espresso shot
@ezraklein Show
-you're a former debate kid or a policy wonk
-you suck at parties bc the second you get drunk, you start waxing poetic about UBI
-if you were a coffee, you'd be a pour-over bc you're pretentious but have good taste
@nytimes The Daily
-you're really into Domestic policy and were probably a Warren stan
-you probably read a lot and went to a liberal arts uni for undergrad
-East Coast Liberal Elite
-If you were a coffee, you'd want to be bodega coffee but we all know you are into craft brew
Anything by @PodSaveAmerica
-You own a pink pussy hat but are working really hard on not being a white feminist anymore
-You're really into voter registration
-When you get drunk, you cry about how much you miss Obama
-If you were a coffee, you'd be a PSL or iced Americano
-You did your undergrad in stats and won't shut up about how you're a "Moderate" "quant guy"
-You still believe in electoral politics, but purely take part from an "academic" orientation
-If you were a coffee, you'd be Adderal diluted in a cold brew
@TexasTribune Under the Dome
-You're me
-"Actually, state and local politics matter more than federal policy"
-You've said the words "Texas isn't a red state! It's a non-voting state!"
-Your body is >60% breakfast taco
-Iced coffee, sugar, and oat milk
You can follow @thtbourgeoisgrl.
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