I know it can be nauseating to tweet abt an award in depressing times

If it's of any value, I assure you that I have a solid track record of failures, rejections, doubt, false turns, and running up agst double standards & "isms"

So if you have failed, you're def not alone.
I thought I was as far away from winning a career award as one can get

I have checked all the wrong boxes

And took the most inefficient publication path
After a while, I accepted that stupidity comes with a price

So I am stunned, and around me, some will be happy and some will also be stunned

For I am supposed to be the wrong model
Hence I sincerely thank APSA, Prize Committee members & many supporters along the way

I am truly humbled, not only by the honor, but by the inclusiveness & openness of my profession to new ideas & emerging scholars, even when it goes agst the grain

See critical review below of Skocpol's book, published in 1979

On a big issue (revolutions) that was exclusively the domain of powerful white men

She introduced impt of structure

And compared Russia, France, and China (note: this invites criticisms from three area studies)
Note the year 1979

If women and minorities today are still fighting for an even playing field, imagine what it's like 40 years ago

"The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women" had only just been adopted by the UN
Many years ago, I met Prof Skocpol

She looked me in the eye 👀

And gave two words of advice


I could not be more honored to win a prize named after her!
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