Thanks for joining me today at @inbound! I have about 1000 recommendations for books and podcasts and blogs - I'm always reading about what makes people tick (and decide to buy things). Threading them here 👇👇
99% invisible
Under the Influence
Design Better Podcast
Action Driven Podcast (cc @TaliaGw)
Michelle Obama Podcast (It's about relationships!)
For nonprofits: The Generosity Freakshow (cc @bradyjosephson)
Google Analytics Academy (Google's own)
Bounteous (great for technical setup + GTM)
@DAAorg - tons of great resources & trainings, but most require a paid membership (worth it)
Other people I've learned a sh*tload from, especially about testing + creative:
The Choice Factory
Data Feminism ++++
Brain Surfing
AND if you want to polish your skills at presenting all these beautiful data things, please check out @shinebootcamp.
You can follow @nochillfilter.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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