Just because something has a sciency, chemical-sounding ingredient doesn't make it unhealthy. I could say a food contains 2-butylacetate, methylbutanal, phytofluene, quercetin, and you'd be scared until I said I was describing a tomato. https://twitter.com/taryntesta/status/1308164913316139008
People like this plainly have an anti-plant based bias. Tbh, I've no issue with you having a go at ingredients, but if you do this then go eat a twinkie and down an energy drink, you're just a hypocrite.
Those Just Egg ingredients seem super legit too? Mung beans and onion powder? Jeez, get a grip.
Don't even look at the profile of the person who tweeted this, its a load of anti-feminism, pro-life bullshit
If a 5 minute google search equates to a harvard degree ima put that on my CV
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