I have never done anything like this in my life. I’ve played no role in politics beyond voting. I didn’t pick this fight. Merely the uncovering in recent days of the extent of false positives in community testing of the mostly-well means those centrally involved in this can no...
...longer be trusted to provide accurate, reliable information. This isn’t an accident. It’s testing for beginners that “when prevalence is lower than the false positive rate, the test loses all useful positive predictive value”. I was taught this in O level statistics in the...
1970s. Those involved have no defence at all. So today I am calling the following to resign their roles or immediately to recuse themselves from any role whatsoever in management of this pandemic: Mr Hancock, Health Sec; Sir Patrick Vallance, Chief Scientific Advisor;
Prof Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer; Prof Neil Ferguson, Imperial College (in all capacities including modelling of pandemics & vaccine requirements).
I make no allegations but I believe public confidence in the results of testing, the implications of the results & actions
..for public health as well as the disposition of National Health Service facilities (which remain sub par, in large measure due to preparation for a modelled “2nd wave”, for which underlying assumptions & evidence base has STILL not been shared).
I take full responsibility...
...for the contents & potential effects of this message & stand ready to be questioned by officials or anyone who needs to know why I’ve taken this action, after much thought & not a little trepidation. Sincerely, Dr Michael Yeadon.
You can follow @MichaelYeadon3.
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