In the midst of a long @ exchange about the patriotism thang, I think I've hit on my best available explanation for why the left can never win the game of reinventing patriotism as a progressive stance - loving a country of the NHS & welfare state & human rights & democracy etc >
It's because when the political right AND the mainstream centre talk about patriotism they really mean militarism, imperial values, xenophobia, national exceptionalism & insularity. >
When they say they despise the left for being unpatriotic they DON'T mean they despise us for not loving our country, they mean they despise us for not being militaristic, imperialist, xenophobic etc. We can wrap ourselves up in flags all day & it won't make a jot of difference.
so anyway, as I was saying.... check the little union flag on the last line of this. Patriotism means British military & agents should be allowed to commit war crimes without consequence.
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