So, I’d like to recount an interaction I had last night because I think it’s illustrative of how WW routinely interact with Black ppl and the level of aggression involved.

I had never interacted with this person before though I’ve been told she’s a podcaster of some renown. 🤷🏽‍♀️
This is the tweet of mine that sparked the interaction:
So, a straightforward expression of my opinion.

Note there’s no real criticism here of Castro

And there’s no mention of what Castro is currently doing to support the Biden/Harris ticket.
So here’s her response:
So, there’s a hint of condescension here that is a clue to her real agenda.

We’ll come back to that.

But, cool…I reply:
I assume we are done but I’m curious about who she is and check out her TL.

And see this:
Here we get a glimpse of her true agenda:

My framing is “the least productive”

Is inappropriately “comparitive”

And fails to acknowledge Pete’s personality is “proximity to power”

Note that “proximity to power” is NOT a personality it’s a personal motivation, but I digress
I also note while on her TL that she’s a Warren supporter so now I know why she’s elected to come for me. I continue:
So, he’s where it gets really interesting. She says (please pay particular attention to the threat):
Ok, this is interesting:

Misinformation? She needs to look that up in the dictionary

After that, she needs to look up “opinion”

Also note she’s labeled my behavior “shitty”

Note the condescending tone and the threat about her followers.


There’s more:
She responds to my response:
So, this is fascinating:

She wants me to take down the tweet because SHE considers it “misinformation” and because SHE doesn’t like it.


Not happening.
Except my tweet wasn’t about “actively working to help the ticket”.

Like at all.

It was about his visibility and my esteem for the candidates

But she distorted that to justify her aggression toward me.
So, I reply:
So, I know I’m rude to her here and that’s a choice I intentionally made and I own that.

But recognize the issue here:

SHE wants me to take the tweet down because SHE doesn’t like it
I’ll also add:

If she had tweeted me and said:

“Hey, Castro’s doing a lot to GOTV with Latinos and it working hard to help the ticket. Would you consider taking the tweet down?”

There’s a 100% chance I would have.

But she approached me with aggression AND condescension
So, she taps out (kinda):
But replying to followers she says this:
Ok, notice the shift here?

She refers to my tweet as “reductive shit”

But my response to her is “weird” to her?

She has NO IDEA why I might be mad.


All of a sudden, SHE is the victim here.


This is the maneuver done ALL THE TIME
Now, I was unkind also toward the end of this exchange and referred to her as a “nasty twist”.

But then she says this:
Refusing to do as she demands is reframed as me “being defensive”

Also, me saying Buttigieg has grown in my esteem and Castro has been less visible is “misinformation” to her

But HER saying Pete has “Lego hair” is incisive political analysis.

So I apologize for how long this was

But I thought it was instructive & illustrative of how WW often interact with Black ppl

1. Approach with entitlement, insults & condescension

2. Make a demand

3. Become indignant when refused

4. Play the victim

Rinse repeat.

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