Every man needs non-negotiables.

You either say no to these 10 or soon you won't have a choice.

1. You don't watch the news

Watching the news is asking someone to tell you what to worry about today.

They don't want you informed. They want you scared.

Bonus: Keep the ones you love away from them as well.
2. You don't complain

Complaining does two things:

a) Attracts other complainers

b) Gives away your power to control the situation

Every second you spend looking for someone to blame is a second you don't spend looking for solutions.
3. You don't do negative self talk.

A man's words translate to reality.

What you talk, your brain picks. What your brain picks, you brain believes. What your brain believes, your body does. What your body does, you are.

Control your subconscious or the world will control you.
4. You don't compromise on diet and exercise.

You will never respect yourself if you don't have a body you're proud of

(Or at least working towards one).

Energy, self-respect, confidence, power...

The benefits of having a fit body are infinite.
5. You don't talk bad about anybody.

You talk bad about people, you lose.


Because you focus on what should they improve instead of looking for ways in which you can improve.

It's also soy af.
6. You don't watch porn.

Get a girlfriend by improving on other areas of your life:


Attracting high value women is the obvious byproduct of becoming a high value man.
7. You don't mix work and play.

When you work, you leave your phone in the drawer on silent mode.

You get a couple hours of focus in. You get shit done.

Then you may rest. Do whatever you want without feeling guilty.
8. You don't lie.

When you life, you create an alternate reality you have to take care of.

Now you have to worry about taking care of a lie. This hurts your spirit and mental energy.

Just take the hit. It hurts less than lying in the long term.
9. You don't take decisions based on emotion.

"When emotions go up, logic goes down. Capisce?"

- @DrRalphNap

You cannot make decisions when you're worked up.

You WILL regret them.

Cool down. Go for a walk. Take a nap.

Clear your mind. Come back. Solve the problem.
10. You don't compromise on your vision.

You die every day you work on something that does not align with what you were put on this earth for.

Have a vision.

Achieve it or don't. Doesn't matter.

"The struggle is enough to fill a man's heart."

-Albert Camus.
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