Michael Gove confirms that under a "reasonable worst case scenario" lorries will need a "Kent Access Permit" so they can "proceed smoothly through Kent".

This sounds like an internal border in England and raises new questions for those of us living next to the M20 in Kent.
The sad thing is that all this chaos was a predictable consequence of the decision to leave the Single Market, which is why I resigned as chairman of the Kent Export Club in November 2016.
I actually explained the situation with of how imposing customs on up to 12,000 trucks at Dover would impact traffic on local Kent TV in January 2019, but at that time this was still labelled as #ProjectFear.
What government has yet to admit is that this won't just affect us here, but that it will have a knock on effect on the M25!!!
The gridlock from that will not just cut Kent off by making it impossible to drive to and from work, but it will also cut London off.
Questions that need to be asked about these " #kentborder" permits:
➡️Do trucks making deliveries into Kent need these permits?
➡️Will it apply to vans or just trucks?
➡️Will locals get permanent "Kent permits" and if so will they be stopped from driving to the ports?
Good question by @DamianCollins, but didn't @michaelgove also point out that there will be queues regardless of whether there is a deal or not?
The quality of the deal has a direct correlation to the length of the queues. https://twitter.com/DamianCollins/status/1308773067913662466?s=09
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