Going to tag some tech and open source accounts in hopes they will retweet the original to boost it.
@elementary @UbuntuBudgie @BryanLunduke @gardiner_bryant @HarrisHeller @matthartley @Oatmeal @ubuntu @SolusProject @gnome @Xbox @PlayStation @LinusTech @bitwitkyle @paulhardware
This family has given their lives to helping people - establishing multiple churches in central america that provide help for poor and needy and have helped in addiction recovery for many people. A visa issue has them split and she is being given a run around trying to get home.
The family has adopted multiple children from central america that otherwise would have ended up on the streets. They don't deserve this. Please rt and tag a friend to raise awareness and get this family back together.
Even if you don't agree with religion or Christianity no family deserves this. Especially one that has helped people and followed the laws. Bring them home.
@USEmbassyPH @usaembassyjobs @EmbamexEUA @USEmbassyMEX @WhiteHouse @USSupremeCourt
You can follow @hotrodwinston.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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