Slow day for waanjais? Never. We always find things to analyze or cry over.

Today we found out Mama J (most-likely) called G son-in-law!

It's honestly so beautiful that he's accepted into their family like that, even just as a term of affection 😭🤧+
As we know, loving each other's family is a big deal and very important to both sides. It's so beautiful to see their love and now we get to see how the closest, most important people in their lives accept their love too...with open arms and the widest smiles.+
In earlier interviews, we've seen Mama J talk before about how she will love and accept whoever her son loves. She can see how much M loves G. I think the whole world can at this point since they're so transparent.

But what this shows us is that, even in a playful way, she's+
not afraid to use such a term with her son's special one.

I obviously can't read her mind, but I don't think most people would jokingly (or seriously) call someone a son or daughter in law unless their child loved that person. It could make their child feel uncomfortable.+
Let's think about it for a second. If you loved your child more than anything in the world, would you call someone their life partner basically without them being together? That would be a bit much.

I have no doubt that she not only knows and approves of their relationship but+
she is accepting and excited for their future together.

Also, I'd like to point out how beautiful it is for her to accept G in that way. Mom's view their sons as precious to them. Giving them away in marriage some day, so to speak, is something they take seriously and want only+
the very best for their children. G would never replace M's mom, but the fact that he is being accepted to that level of love and respect is a big deal if she actually does feel so comfortable calling him that. It's like an unspoken approval.

I get that it may have been playful+
but it's something that is also really familial and intimate (in a mom/son way). To me, it says, "You love my son, I love you. You are my son too."

Not everyone out there gets along with their inlaws. I think that it's wonderful that M and G get along so well with each other's+
families. It means a lot.

And honestly? Even if the lip-read is wrong, body language doesn't lie. The way Mamma J hugs G close and smiles so bright and the way she guides him into the right spot on stage, shows that she cares for him.

All of that is truly special. Period. ♡
*thread correction: I found out that in the Thai language the proper term is daughter-in-law. I was mistaken thinking it was a gender neutral term like faen. But the meaning is all still the same 💜 I just want to respect Thai culture by pointing it out.
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