whats wrong with yall.. i made that caption because that im feeling rn, today im so down and cried hard. most of yall attacked and cursed me even on dm like yall know everything happened. reading all those harsh comments put on me so much pressure, yall know i cried harder
i tweeted it, left my phone and go pray. if i really doing wrong, why yall make it viral. yall don't know what im going through life. in sake of peace, i alr deleted that tweet. and pls don't call me clout. im enough of life couldn't cry more
yall still attacking me, yeah just do it. i know im wrong and im sorry. you know right, what will happen to you when youre having mental breakdown, some are willing to do suicide. imagine, if you are in their shoes rn
i alr said sorry, if you don't like me just block, it is easy. pls pls pls don't break my heart more. i alr said sorry. pls im not strong
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