fun fact: as a DV survivor i cannot register to vote because doing so makes my address public. anyone who is fleeing or hiding from an abuser is automatically disenfranchised from the political process and this is a feature, not a bug
horrified but not surprised at how many *survivors* don't know their addresses are public. please everyone stay safe. for all the talk NO ONE is looking out for survivors

& don't tweet at me that the system has failed, it is working exactly how it was designed
i am a Native machine learning engineer, my work on bias & culture has been cited and you can hire me to help make your tech work better for survivors & marginalized groups.

you can read my work at 

& here on twitter
4 out of 5 Native women will experience violence. we live this.

if you want to make your tech less accessible to abusers, hire & talk to people with the know how to do it. for us & many others these use cases aren't hypothetical.
ok guess it has to be said: voter confidentially programs are EXTREMELY insecure, exist only in certain states, & often require victims to have successfully pursued legal remedies like convictions or restraining orders. in other words another layer of punishment for survivors
protip for the men in my mentions: no survivor is grateful that you came & splained security to them, in fact if we're still alive there's a good chance we're better at it than you

we don't need voting or computers explained to us we need you to STOP ABUSE
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