1/ I don’t endorse candidates for office nor do I endorse nominees for the Supreme Court. But as Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese, I am responsible for the education of 30k students in faith & civics. Let me highlight some “teachable moments” from the SCOTUS debate.
2/ Teachable Moment #1: The 1st Amendment guarantees the “free exercise of religion.
3/ Teachable Moment #2: Article 6, Clause 3 of the US Constitution bans a “religious test” for any public office. Thus a SCOTUS nominee can’t be rejected based on their religious beliefs.
4/ Teachable Moment #3: The word “handmaid” in a Christian context is not sexist. It’s a reference to the Annunciation in Luke’s Gospel. When Mary is told she will be giving birth to Jesus Christ, she beautifully responds: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord.”
5/ Teachable Moment #4: One need not be a Biblical scholar to realize it’s not appropriate to criticize a mother of 7 children for bringing into this world a child with special needs. This critique of Amy Coney Barrett is grotesque. How about we learn to “love thy neighbor”?
6/ Teachable Moment #5: Children are watching. Adults who are viciously attacking potential SCOTUS nominees should realize they are modeling behavior for children, theirs and ours. We should be encouraging children to treat the views of others with respect.
7/ Teachable Moment #6: We should not forget or excuse anti-Catholic bigotry — it animated Blaine Amendments in the 19th century, confronted Al Smith and later JFK, and recently led to Church burnings & statue desecrations. Now it’s back again in attacks on Justice Barrett.
8/ Teachable Moment #7: You can’t believe everything you read. In a secular age, don’t be surprised that secular reporters don’t understand religious references like “handmaid” or “Kingdom of God.” And sometimes, like with Newsweek, they just get simple facts wrong.
9/ Teachable Moment #8: Remember the “Golden Rule” — and yes it’s from the Bible. Matthew 7:12. “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you.”
10/. Teachable Moment #9: The Bible also offers advice Senators should heed when SCOTUS confirmation hearings begin. “Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” John 8:7. Thanks for reading, if you finished the thread.
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