A friend of mine got C19. It was a very mild presentation.
She recovered and survived it.
Would you think that the experience debunked the fear?
Sadly, it didn't.
She is still afraid that she will get reinfected. She believes that there is no long-lasting immunity to C19. 1/n
Science can be manipulated so easily to scare people.
When the antibody studies came out saying that after an infection, the antibodies did not last too long. Some mainstream media published articles like this: 2/n
and made statements like this: 3/n
This is a very uneducated reading of the scientific research. It is normal for antibodies to peak after 3 weeks and to decline after 2 months. Our bodies cannot maintain a high level of antibodies for too long. that would be too taxing for the body and a waste of resources. 4/n
When you recover, you no longer need the antibodies so your body reduces their production. This doesn’t mean that you are no longer immune to the disease. 5/n
If you are exposed a second time to the virus, your body will remember seeing this virus and will mount a very quick immune response and you will not get sick or get mildly sick if there was a long interval between the too exposures. 6/n
You also need to know that your body has different ways of attacking a new virus. If antibodies are not detected, perhaps T cells are. 7/n
“Study shows that even mild and asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 who don't show antibodies in their blood have T cells(specific to Covid-19).” 8/n
“SARS-CoV-2 elicits robust, broad and highly functional memory T cell responses, suggesting that natural exposure or infection may prevent recurrent episodes of severe COVID-19.” 9/n
As for getting reinfected, if the first time around was mild as in the case of my friend, isn’t it time to relax and think that even if reinfection was possible, the second time around would be milder? 10/n
let me show you that there is no evidence that reinfection is possible and that this was just another fear-mongering tactic used on innocent people like my friend. 11/n
"From the 285 re-positive cases, a total of 790 contacts were identified. From the monitoring of contacts, as of now, no case has been found that was newly confirmed from exposure during re-positive period alone. 12/n https://www.cdc.go.kr/board/board.es?mid=a30402000000&bid=0030&act=view&list_no=367267&nPage=1
In other words, people who tested positive a second time did not lead to an infection in another person. This indicates that they were no longer infected themselves, it was just a false positive. 13/n
Tegnell: “We don’t see cases of people falling ill twice from Covid-19,” “Hence, our assessment is that if you do get Covid-19 you are immune, even if you don’t develop antibodies.” 17/n https://fortune.com/2020/07/22/sweden-anders-tegnell-immunity-coronavirus/
Given that the epidemic is over in Sweden, maybe it’s time to start listening to them and doing like them. 18/n
And if you still believe that immunity towards C19 doesn’t exit, how will the vaccine ever work then? Vaccines work by instigating the body to develop antibodies towards a pathogen. If the antibodies don’t last, are we waiting for a false cure? 19/n
Hopefully, we will find a safe vaccine that will produce a good immune response. But you have to believe in immunity first before you believe in a silver bullet vaccine. 20/n
You have two options: you can either live in fear forever or you can listen to the science and choose to calm down. I wish you well. 21/21
Can someone explain to me why the WHO keeps on swerving away from the science? https://twitter.com/NickHudsonCT/status/1308624657948516352?s=20
*Two exposures on tweet 6/n
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