I was reading in Nehemiah this a.m., while out on the back porch, enjoying the cool weather. Dawn was breaking; it was lovely! In chapter 4, the diligent rebuilders of Jerusalem’s wall (after the Babylonians destroyed it over 70 years earlier) ...
...were busy rebuilding. However, they began to be opposed. Nehemiah said, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember Adonai, who is great and fearful; and fight for your brothers, sons, daughters, wives and homes.” ...
...From that point on, the builders were constantly on watch. Their swords and shields were constantly with them. They worked as a group, with some building while others stood guard and engaged the enemy as necessary. (vs 12-16) ...
And, I thought of our present battle, here in our world, our country, in our time. Like these mighty re-builder/warrior people of old, may we do the same. Prayerfully, well-armed with the spiritual weapons provided to us #Ephesians6 . As Christ-followers, ever-acknowledging...
...The battle is Adonai’s, and we are His.
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