When asked what her biggest achievement was, Thatcher replied "New Labour".
The biggest achievement of Vote Leave,Johnson, Cummings,Gove is "Blue Labour": absolute victory in the culture war+the shift right in the Overton Window on "social conservatism" (aka nativist nationalism)
2/ The biggest pro-European movement in Europe, 6 million+ signing a revoke petition, millions marching repeatedly: all abandoned by politicians now - not even willing to point out the insanity of lorry parks, trade frictions, leaving the SM, CU, sea border within UK
3/ the twenty-dimensional chess of Starmer's "can't say anything to upset the gammons" Brexit policy will result in the UK only possibly rejoining the EU after I'm long dead.
4/ Bad enough losing Brexit without our politicians giving up openness, fairness - the values we believe in - that underpinned our motivation to prevent Brexit.
5/ We haven't just our FoM, destroyed our economy etc., we have our political leaders declaring failure in the culture war on our behalf.
6/ The new political normal is appeasing the cherry picked ex-UKIP counsellors of a question time audience.
7/ You know something's rotten in the state of Denmark when the latest conference speech by the Labour leader is strongly endorsed by both Matthew Goodwin and Harry Cole.
9/ Even if Labour wins the next general election, ex-remainers have still lost.

Not only is Brexit unlikely to be reversed, not only is Labour unlikely to back the single market (not a peep out of them during A50 on this - because FoM)....
10/ But the only opposition party has abandoned the values of pro-Europeanism anyway.

And all to win that minority subset of seats crucial to swinging an election under FPTP.

Most of us are completely irrelevant to General Election outcomes.
11/ And the Labour party has done the sums that the only way of beating the Tories is to copy them. Same as 1997 re: spending promises. But this time they are copying their conservative values instead.
12/ Cummings ONLY achievement - and it's a political one not a useful one: was to destroy the opposition in the culture war and create Blue Labour.

Nationalism is not in the national interest.
13/ So - if you are not a nationalist - if you are open and pro-European, there is no English party that has got your back. You are now represented by nobody. You are politically homeless.
14/ I wonder what the effect of this will be - whether there's any hope for a new political party that does represent us. If history is a guide, this is no hope at all.

New parties don't succeed and first past the post crushes new entrants.
15/ I guess that means we are now on the scrapheap for the forseeable future.

As far as politicians and politics goes, we don't exist - because our votes don't matter and don't influence general elections.
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