A great thread:

“After brokenness comes surrender. With a nonconditional surrender, there comes a total yielding to the will of God. I must emphasize here that this does not make us passive...
...Surrender means we give up our natural right to do what we want to our new Master, the King of kings and Lord of lords....
...We must also realize that brokenness and surrender are not ends in themselves. They are simply means toward the end of being effective instruments in the hand of God to be used for revival and church growth...
...In the past the problem has been that people have settled for brokenness and surrender as an end and not as a means. This has led many people into monasteries to live out pious lives that do not change their surroundings...
... Piety should not lead us away from the world, but it should strengthen us so that we can be effective witnesses in the world

The easiest thing to do is to retreat from the challenges that the world brings to the church today....
...Yet, the purpose of God for breaking us and causing us to surrender is to equip us to confront those challenges.”

- David Yongi Cho
Knowledge puffs up and makes us proud. Our studies and times with him are to make us church builders and soul winners.

James 1:22
But be ye DOERS of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

We must be careful not to become people who share a lot but don’t do
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