You are lying AGAIN.

Vivekananda spoke these words in US in 1894. Naturally he couldn't have said anything else in a foreign country.

Three years later in his native Calcutta, he himself uses the "Mleccha" word & condemns those people "eat with Mlecchas"
Typo. Vivekananda condemns those people *who eat with Mlecchas.

Source: The complete works of Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda uses the word "Mleccha" 34 times in his works. He often uses it to designate ancient non Sanskrit speaking civilizations as well as contemporary foreigners. He does not use the word in a disparaging manner
Swami Vivekananda also talks about "Mleccha race" as opposed to the Sanskrit speaking "Aryas".

He includes Egyptians, Assyrians and Babylonians among the "Mleccha race".

He says these "Mlechha races" could not attain to the idea of soul (Atman) as a separate entity
Swami Vivekananda talks about "difference between Mleccha and Aryan ideals".

For the Mleccha, mundane world and body is real.

For the Aryan, that (Atman) which left the body is real.

That is why the former buried dead & the latter cremated. This was Swami Vivekananda's view
Plugging this tweet here for people who react rather than read
Swami Vivekananda says -"The Aryas may have encouraged Mlecchas in pursuit of Aryan science.

The germ of every Aryan science is found in the Vedas"

People who say Swami Vivekananda disapproved of the concept or existence of Mlechhas are either ignorant or dishonest
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