I will say this:

1. The unprecedented centralization and cultural homogeneization of the US means that the actual raison d’être of the EC, the US of A’s status as a federation of states, is incomprehensible to the vast majority of the public, who understand themselves to be ...
... electing the leader of a nation named America, and not the President of a federation.

2. The EC has been "fortunate" in producing a results that aligns with the popular vote almost every time, but if the EC winner loses the popular vote too many times in a row, the ...
... system *will* experience a legitimacy crisis, which no one should wish for.

The answer for conservatives shouldn’t be to abolish the popular vote or to defend minority rule on the basis of constitutional arcana, but to...WIN MAJORITIES.
Perhaps by putting forward attractive candidates and an agenda that’s responsive to the lives and aspirations of majorities of working and middle-class Americans.
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