I had a 4 hour phone conversation with my father today. He’s still voting for trump. There’s no amount of evidence or content I could provide to convince him otherwise. I’m deeply ashamed of his choices and I don’t know how I’m going to deal with this.
He’s prolife. He doesn’t think he’s racist but he also thinks that if someone has dreadlocks or wears their pants low then they must be a thug. In his defense he also said “if a skinhead has a nazi tattoo I’d say the same thing”... but he just doesn’t really grasp his bias
We talked for hours and he kept parroting Republican talking points “planned parenthood sold fetuses” or “illegal immigrants killed and raped people”... no amount of fact or reading would change his mind.
I love my father and I don’t think he (a 30yr military vet) is a bad person... but I just don’t know how to reconcile what he taught me about honor and integrity with what Trump says and does... I don’t know how he buys into it. His only source of info is one America news.
He represents a large portion of the US and I now honestly believe trump will win because of these people. They don’t understand what’s going on because they have one source of information. They don’t verify extraordinary claims - they take them at face value.
We live in a world where there is no objective truth. 2+2!=4

There’s no room for nuance.
There’s no room for discussion.
You’re either Republican or you’re wrong.

This depresses me and I am filled with despair.
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