They both want to date you but Hermione has bad breath and every time Ron takes a step he farts and it smells of egg, who would you rather date?
During the second Triwizard task, one of these two has to be the person you save, who would you choose?
Which wand would you like?
You have the ability to completely remake one film to be EXACTLY like the book, which film will be remade?
Which dress would you wear the the Yule ball? And who’d be your date?(If both girls choose two dresses for you a your date)
Which was your favourite hermione dress?
Rank the defence against the dark arts teachers from best (1) to worse (6)
You have the ability to make any two characters couple, who would you want to be together?
who’s side are you on?
If Harry wasn’t the chosen one, who would you want to see as the chose one instead?
While we are here, what would you rename Albus Severus Potter?
Okay let’s finish this....
Which is the superior house?
which dark dress would you wear to the Yule Ball? And who would your date be?
(I did only light dresses last time)
For those who’d rather wear a suit, Which suit would you wear to the Yule ball? And who would your date be?
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