2/n «My main advice is to get outside as much as possible when seeing other people. […] If an indoor setting is poorly ventilated, crowded and no one is wearing face coverings, it is best to avoid it. […]»
3/n «The real story of #COVID19 may not be just the lives lost, but the associated disability in younger working-age populations and the burden this places on the economy and health services. Why risk potential decades of ill health […]?»
4/n «As well as the risk Covid poses to individuals, our actions affect others including vulnerable and elderly people. Think of it as a chain of infections – if you are a part of this and it gets passed on, others may become ill and die because of your role in that chain.»
5/n «The only alternative to more restrictions and modifying our own behaviour is a functioning test-and-trace system.»
6/n «Nine months after South Korea and Senegal started building diagnostic capacity, it is comically depressing that the UK government, one of the richest in the world, does not have a functional testing system that returns results within 24 hours.» (Dito 🇨🇭!)
7/n «In addition, given that we know the virus spreads easily through households, those who test positive should have the offer to isolate in external facilities (such as hotels).» (Dito 🇨🇭!)
8/n «The ‹14-day isolation› measures for people entering the UK are also a box-ticking exercise where given the lack of screening or monitoring, a constant stream of infections keep coming into the country. It’s like trying to empty a bucket under a tap.» (Dito 🇨🇭!)
9/n «The UK government also needs a long-term economic strategy, especially for riskier sectors such as hospitality and bars.» (Dito 🇨🇭!)
10/10 «This is an incredibly hard time […]. It is perfectly normal to grieve for our lost normality, but denial needs to be followed by acceptance. It is time for governments to plan several years ahead with an acknowledgment and honesty about the severity of this crisis.»
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