blows my mind that WASP white americans just be having no country of origin, no ancient culture except stealing land.... like brooo .... ur straight up just descended from slave owning plantation mfs, or settlers..... blows the fucking mind
bc if ur white and ur not descended from the culture of racism, ur not all white. if ur ancestors arent RECENTLY from europe , and you are completely honkey WASP pink whitey, ive got some bad news abt why ur bloodline is that way...
like inherited wealth and property just inconceivable to me i cant cognize or rationalize it. imagine being a white american... in 2020.... epic fail
im not trying to be racist but like how is there not a single person of color in ur family tree what? and dont come at me w that 1/32 cherokee shit , always sounds like ur bragging abt ur ancestors raping n pillaging
the only white skinned americans who cn claim that shit without me giving them the sideeye are the american romani who actually KNOW theyre native american family
it literally makes me so relieved when i hear a white american say they have no idea what theyre ancestry and heritage is. i am like hell yes cousins
yes this thread is drunk tweeting but i feel like its still a hush hush subject that ppl pretend otherwise... hey you!theres a correlation between the fact that ur parents can afford ur college education, and the fact that u think voting is gonna fix the problems of this country!
i see thru all of you🧿
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