A question I'm getting asked a lot is "why are there more autistic people now than ever before?" and I thought I'd do another thread on it. There are several theories on this, from "overdiagnosis" (bullshit) to environmental damage (also bullshit, autism is overwhelmingly 1/
genetic) so, why then?

Two main reasons, the biggest being modern society isn't suited to autistics and so we look more "obvious". Let me give you a personal example. I have sensory issues with bright lights and loud noise. Can't stand them. So, 100 years ago 2/
, 300 years ago, 1000 years ago even, I wouldnt come across these experiences half as often as I do now. Every shop plays blaring loud (often shitty) music, has BRIGHT lights on, there are crowds talking, people randomly take photographs with flash 3/
You see where I'm going with this? I am exposed to these things pretty much every time I leave my house. Had I been a simple peasant farmer in 1207, I would very rarely be. I could grow my crops in relative peace. Now, thats just one example, but 4/
the point is busy, noisy, bright societies overwhelm autistics. And so we have more meltdowns and "problems" than we would in other societies. Its not necessarily that there's more of us - its that there's a greater conflict between our needs and society. So we show up more 5/
Secondly, the other reason is simply that more autistics can easily find other autistics nowadays with social media and globalisation etc which means more autistics marry othee autistics and have autistic kids. Thats all it is folks. No over diagnosis, no conspiracy. 6/6
This applies for ADHD too BTW.

#ActuallyAutistic #actuallyadhd
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