Some lessons of life.

Gathered from various people.

1) The rules you were told are not the actual rules. There's always a double and a hidden layer.
2) Fear the weak. Not the strong. Because it is the weak that will attack you while you sleep. But strong will attack you with battle drums.

Weak people are the least moral.
3) You can lay down for people to walk all over you and they will still complain that you are not flat enough.

Fuck bending over backwards for people.
4) The later in life you learn humility, the more embarrassing your earlier life becomes.

Have good balance of humility and arrogance.
5) Your hate about father will make your life with men hard. Learn to understand his perspective before labeling him anything with hate/anger.

You don't have to accept everything about him but make peace with the fact it is what it is.
6) Freedom is the idea of the mind. There is some level of bondage in everything.

If you look at it, freedom came from mind because mind itself is bound to something. It yearns for what it can't have.
7) All your complexities, anxieties, depression and insecurities are in your head.

They are bondage made to hold you down. Let them go.
8) When she says don't worry about that guy, you know who you are dealing with. Dump her.
9) Nothing is more painful than living a life as an average/below average man.
10) No one cares about struggles of man. So man has to have achievements in life.

Achievement will make you a man worth giving a fuck about.
11) The misery you carry within yourself must be kept within yourself. Oversharing drains relationships.
12) Realize that most women destroy their love life by hyper masculinity in the name of feminism.
13) Nobody owns you shit.

Entitlement = stagnancy.

Earn what you desire or be satisfied with what you were given.
14) No one is hated as much as he who tell the truth.
~ Plato
15) Nobody gives a fuck about your problems. Not even your friends and family.

You are on your own.
16) If you are not contributing to family or society in any way, you become invisible to your family too.
17) Unconditional love isn't real except for your mother. And the world is better that way.
18) You become object of mockery when you share everything with everyone.
19) Ladies... Wall is real. Get married before your face gets hit on wall and you look like flatass Jerry.
20) If you are a woman, you can never be a great successful career lady and be happy. You are not a man to have both in life.
21) You can do everything right and still lose a partner. Life sucks sometimes and that's it.
22) The only constant in your life is you.

So you have to make your will so strong that the sheer pressure from it can break every obstacle.
23) Looks are the entry ticket to most area in life. If you are good looking, you have good life than most.

Attractive and fit people are perceived and rated higher on all fronts of life.

Become more attractive.
24) You have to believe people when they are self-deprecating in life. Self talk is about how you feel when you are alone.

When people travel the darkness inside of them you will know if they search for light and joy or misery and misfortune.
25) The best way to feel love is to give it and be conscious enough to be grateful when you receive it.
26) If you were bullied as a child, know that you had that experience only because you were too weak to stand up for yourself. Learn that lesson and never get bullied by life again.
27) Most families project their pain onto you. Specially when you are healing yourself.
28) Given enough time. Human nature always plays out. 2
29) How you do one thing is how you do everything.

So everything you do matters.
30) Most of the time bad guy wins not because world is bad. It is because truth couldn't come out.
31) If all you look for short cuts in life, you'll always end up fixing terrible and old habits.
32) Changing your lifestyle means getting rid of people people who don't contribute to your goals/growth/peace of mind.
33) Attention should not be given for free. It should be earned. 3
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