If you come across any SENSATIONAL REVELATION by anybody on FB, Insta or Twitter, Kindly do not post the LINKS or Screenshots to gain Attention. It could be dangerous for the person concerned. READ NEXT....
Rather share the information with the Authorities. Tell your Parents/Guardians to approach the CBI/NCB or @republic @Republic_Bharat @pradip103
@shawansen @Amit7Chaudhary @aishkapoor @sucherita_k @jankibaat1 @swetatripathi14
@smitaparikh2 @mayureshkrishna or @Soumyadipta
This is a WAKE UP THREAD for all of us. Try to understand the Sensitivity & the Intensity of this Case. Your 1 Tweet can put that person's LIFE on stake. Pls RT maximum and spread the word. Thanks 🙏
@lostsoul_apu @rupali0023
@Imkgauravmishra @iRaviTiwari
You can follow @belikevinayak.
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