Every time you tell me Republicans expanding the court after Dems expand the court is "bad," I'm going to ask you how it's *worse* than what we have now?
If the GOP can make it so no Dem can make a judicial appointment. If they can get 2 facially illegitimate justices on the court b/c McConnell changed the rules, 2 who were there b/c SCOTUS picked its own, Republican President, and 2 sexual predators RIGHT NOW, how expansion bad?
If those six Republican justices can then turn around and repeal healthcare (which GOP couldn't do at the ballot box) and women's rights (which the GOP can't do at the ballot box) and enact voter suppression... how is future GOP expansion the *real* danger?
Endless expansion of the court might get farcical. CURRENT minority white rule baked in for a generation is untenable.
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