1) I used to believe politics was a joke. I grew up thinking they were all puppets and looked at the world through a biblical filter even though I didn’t always live a biblically based lifestyle. I take the Bible literally and believe the god of this world is Satan...
2) In 2016 something changed, I became heavily involved in politics and even voted for Trump thinking that he was the answered prayer to Obama. I fought hard against the agendas and policies under 8 years of Obama, I lost friends, ended relationships and self isolated a lot.
3) I spent a LOT of energy between 08’ & 16’ sharing information about all the crooked things Obama was doing to the public while the media was running cover and the public was blindly worshipping at his feet. I spent thousands of hours chasing knowledge...
4) Desperately trying to “wake people up” to the new world order and the Obama deception. Looking back, it would seem as though Obama’s overt carnage was partly to push the church to either stand in opposition or acquiesce, many chose the latter, some are now swept into MAGA.
5) Obama was the first part of the end game, he was the trap set by Satan to see if the church would abide in the word and stand or follow the world and allow skin color and social justice to silence us. Satan plays dual roles, he dwells in darkness but presents as light...
6) So after 8 years of darkness, “patriots” take over and wrestle control of the global political battlefield using their savior of mankind as the front man for global peace and prosperity. Is he the answer to all America’s woes? Is he?

Is this “light” ushering in something else
7) I was targeted in 2017, I became aware of my gangstalking and all that goes along with the program went into overdrive. The gaslighting, the stalking, the color coding, the sabotage, the slander campaigns, illegal spying, breaking & entering & even molestation.
8) I thought that the timing was odd at first, you know, the “deep state” is “on the run” and deploying all assets against Obama’s dissenting voices. Or maybe it was to help build ground support to pave the way for Qanon to spread to more people? T.I.’s are pushing Q heavily.
9) Everyone supporting Q is doing so for their own personal reasons. Some because of the trafficking, some because of Hollywood, others because they hate Obama, others because they were illegally surveilled and many follow Q because they want to see people executed.
10) I followed Q because many of the things Q dropped early on were being researched and talked about decades ago by groups who often called themselves truthers, that was really an umbrella term for people who were often called conspiracy theorists by more “sophisticated” minds.
11) Even at the beginning there were questionable drops that made me think Q wasn’t leading toward the light of Jesus but I dismissed those feelings because I wanted to see justice, I wanted revenge for the things that had been done. My motives weren’t right and it blinded me.
12) I connected with thousands of other Q followers, pushed the hashtags, spent endless hours doing research, sharing info digging into esoteric, gnostic, new age information. Although, I had no idea that’s what I was doing at the time because it was all framed as “DarktoLight”
13) It wasn’t until I withdrew from daily Q drops, research and knowledge chasing that I realized just how empty I was inside. There was no light inside of me, I had filled myself with all of the darkness I had been digging into and there was no room for the Holy Spirit.
14) The Bible says to reprove the fruitless works of darkness, it does not say to fill your mind and spirit with them. We are warned that Satan masquerades as light and this world belongs to him until Christ returns, what we are seeing unfold is leading to spiritual deception.
15) People who allowed themselves to fall away from the truth of Jesus or those who flat out reject him are only left with the false light of Lucifer. There is no third option. Reading the Bible and praying for discernment will quickly snap you out of thinking WWG1WGA is true.
16) If you are a bible believing Christian, you have to ask yourself what part of the things being promised by Trump and Q fit into the season we’re in right now? You have peace deals being signed, a global currency in the works, global government and united religions unfolding..
17) You also have promises of financial security for all who go along with this new world that has been slow walked under the guise of a new normal. The infrastructure needed to plug mankind into the beast system is not coming, it’s here...waiting for the right catalyst.
18) The Bible says the antichrist causes the world to receive a mark that will be required to buy and sell. It will be appealing and people whose names are not written in the lambs book of life will eagerly take it so they can not only participate but worship the beast.
19) Who is leading you through patriotism to create idols in your heart? Do you love your country more than God? Do you love your family, friends, freedom more than God? You’re witnessing apostasy on a massive scale, idolatry takes many forms. Where is Jesus in this movement?
20) The danger with the Qanon movement and politics in general is that they play on emotion and steer using narratives and always withhold just enough information to keep you on shaking ground. You never get a grasp of what’s fully happening because you are not meant to.
21) There is arising a spirit of self righteousness and great pride within that movement. You begin to feel as though you are superior to those who reject Q or believe he is a LARP. Q is real, but he’s also mixing truth with deception and leading people to a false Jesus.
22)Q warned you that the end wouldn’t be for everyone, my guess is that people just assumed he was talking about the “cabal” but since Q isn’t talking about the fact that Trump reaffirmed the noahide laws that call for beheading true Christians...I’ll assume we’re in that group.
23) Qanon helped to solidify the deception, until I started praying for discernment and casting down idols.

Qanon is false light and the people who turn on you when you walk away are not your enemy, the spirit behind them is...pray for them and keep walking.
24) PREPARE FOR THE ATTACKS! Anticipate them, because if you stand in opposition to Trump or Q you will be painted as a traitor or a “Democrat” this is the game. This is why the narrative started with Trump as the victim of the swap. The spiritual war for your mind is REAL!
25) So in case there is any confusion about this thread, I’ll summarize. All roads in this world lead to the beast. Jesus is the ONLY way to the Father. People have been deceived into thinking an earthly many will “save” them. They are prepped for the Antichrist...will you bow?
You can follow @D3cod3It.
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