Preexisting conditions, my personal story before the ACA. Anyone ever have a gallbladder attack? Not like one of those little ones that hurt. I'm talking full blown feeling like your body is somehow eating itself. I couldn't afford health insurance at the time, but I knew what...
it was, and that I couldn't afford it. I had too many attacks to count over 3 YEARS. Laying on the floor honestly believing I would die each time. The only relief I could find was making myself vomit when they started. Even then the pain would take around a week to subside...
The easiest for me was pepto bismol. Not to feel better, but to make myself vomit. After 3 years I entered a job that finally had health insurance. Here's where preexisting conditions come in. I knew insurance wouldn't cover it. That's why I never went to the E.R. or Dr...
knowing they'd instantly remove it via emergency surgery. I believe it was 90 days until my insurance become effective. I went to a new Dr for the first time. She asked me what was going on. I told her I just had a lot of pain in the center of my abdomen. She ordered an...
ultrasound. The tech isn't allowed to diagnose, but she pointed on the screen where my gallbladder was. I asked what all those "balls" were. Fully loaded with gallstones. Shortly after my Dr came in the room and she excused the tech from the room...
She asked me how long this has been going on, like she knew. I didn't answer. She then said she would not write anything down in my chart and I could have her word. She knew what the insurance company would do if they found out. Also what could happen to me if I didn't have...
the surgery. I breathed deeply and said "over 3 years". She had an unforgettable look on her face. I finally knew that she was on my "side" for this, the side that puts empathy and health over money. She told me that they would do the surgery immediately. Not having affordable..
health insurance almost cost me my life. The surgery was complicated by me waiting. To the point where I had an internal infection, required a drain, and multiple inpatient stays for a gallbladder surgery. I was only 21 years old. If you don't think the ACA is a big deal...
listen to other stories. I'm not the only one. Other's have had a far worse outcome than myself. This is the first time I've ever shared the story, in fear of retaliation from the former insurance company, but this is too important to stay quiet.
The tweets from @ashtonpittman made me realize I needed to type this thread. We have too much to lose and we have time to change it.
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