Every mother in America, should move to Canada. This is the best place to raise a family. No arguments. Lol paid maternity leave, where I am daycare is subsidized 8$ a day, everyone who has a kid gets child tax, which is an amount up to $800 a month you get for having a kid . 🇨🇦
Our government gave basically anyone $2000 a month up to $12,000 now for the pandemic.... just to make sure we were taken care of and also gave families an extra $700 in March one time payment on top of that GST who needed it we are so well taken care of some of y’all ungrateful
I know it’s not perfect here we have flaws so does our government but I know our prime minister doesn’t tell people don’t wear masks and our number reflect that.... I know some Canadians will come on here and try to argue our privilege and that pisses me off, go to the USA then😂
Free health care, walk into any hospital at anytime and NO BILL. Yeah we have higher taxes but it’s not anything no crazy compared to the states (my step dad is an American from Florida)
We have a lower homeless population due to the fact we have welfare for everyone who needs it, shelters, and food banks everywhere... the percentage of homeless children are next to nothing here. We take care of our people...
I can’t believe there’s Canadians that really bitch and try to point out the flaws we are so fucking lucky. It’s unreal
There’s subsidized housing here where people who have low incomes or single parents etc that don’t meet a high tax bracket can get a nice condo for $150 a month. Priority goes to domestic violence victims and people with children
The province I live in post secondary education is completely FREE tuition to go to post secondary studies.
The people who need help get the help they need if people don’t get a lot of child tax it’s because they don’t need it or have two solid incomes. A lot of rich people cry they don’t get child tax it’s because you don’t need it cry me a River.
The Canadian government just sent me a letter saying that they’re giving my son $1000 in a registered education account for his post secondary studies, and living expenses completely free and they’ll match 30 percent of my contributions.
Guns are banned here. You need a hunting license or gun license but handguns and shit like that aren’t a norm like the USA and because of that we have had minimal amounts of mass shootings throughout history.
Even fathers can take time off when their baby is born PAID.
Btw every Canadian can apply for daycare subsidy on revenue Canada my account it’s not just Quebec. Check your facts❤️
Here come the angry Canadians bitching about the free money they get. MOOOVE TO THE STATES we don’t want y’all up here exactly what I meant 😂👌🏻 I’m speaking about where I am that’s why I said several times “my province” “where I am” which is Quebec btw
Quebec has two child tax one from the country federal (Canada) and one from province (Quebec) that’s why it’s up to $800 per month for us. To clarify. But even not in Quebec gets up to $700. Lol
This is not to brag in anyway I’m just proud as fuck and sick of people who have their hand out for money complain about our system. 🇨🇦❤️
Because I’m “lying” about child tax here’s a “fact check for y’all” lmao Canada and Quebec adds up to a bit over $800 per month. FACT CHECK DOE
Oh and if any single mom or low income person needs help to apply for daycare subsidy in Canada message me literally every province has it you just have to apply a different way depending where you are👌🏻
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