Hey #WritingCommunity! Preview is coming, have to find a way for you guys to get the most! Maybe a screen shot or picture upload? I will figure it out! ... Darn character limit! At last it teaches us how to communicate efficiently but briefly? Haha. RTs will be done to, shortly!
#Writing #Thread #WIP
Mother Nature's storm reached its peak. It was almost 2:45 am by now, and it has not relented any, not in the least, if anything it was worst. As the cracks of lightning danced away in the dark nights sky, bold and bright flashes lit the pages of October’s
book as he lies reading in bed under the thin, raggedy and torn covers. The flashes of lightning being the only light source for the time being, he was glad it was bright enough to shine thru his bedroom-if you could even call it that-window. The book, Shirley Jackson’s,
A Haunting of Hill House, id October's favorite book, and always a good read for a scare, helping keep his mind off of the reality of his fucked-up situation. He had to hide a pair of glasses that had led lights on the sides, that help him see the pages and words, under the floor
board he managed to lift under the rug in his room. Luckily enough, his bed just so happened to be on top of the rug making it an unsuspecting place for Azel to look if he suspected October was hiding something. Thunder rolled thru the sky as the wind picked up becoming more
powerful than it was mere seconds ago. The sound as almost like a pack of wolves howling, almost.

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