it is highly probable that lexa will return (sorry bellarke mutuals). she was clarke's guardian angel in the col, and she will be madi's, another level of circularity. i think that's where the sheidheda plot is also leading up to.
murphy will die. that's something his arc has been hinting at for a long time - going from a cockroach to someone willing to self sacrifice for sanctum and especially his pregnant gf who he believes will leave a legacy behind for him.
the epilogue minute will be our characters finally "getting it right" and arriving at bardo without bloodshed behind them. only then will they be granted transcendence, and who knows? maybe bellamy will be alive then. they all join the light. well, that's the happy ending. it's
entirely possible that jasper was right and that as long as we exist, there is no light at the end of the tunnel and that we are doomed to repeat our actions for eternity. i like to think that they all make it to the other side.
well we'll find out soon
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