Thought provoking questions for ND’s 😼😼 if this flops you didnt see it
How’s your relationship with empathy? Are you high or low empathy, and do you feel strongly about your morals?
Are you trans? If so, do you think your transition was affected by your neurodivergence?
Do you think you have strong morals? Do you feel like they would be different if you weren’t ND?
Do you have trouble with change or alterations in your climate, or do you find it hard to adjust?
Are you a picky eater? How do you feel your ND has changed they way you view food and textures? Any textures you can’t stand with food?
In your personal opinion, When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards and just do what you know is right?
What do you think we have in common (besides our genes) that makes us human? Do you think there’s an emotional aspect to it?
Do you feel emotion differently? What’s the most complex emotion you’ve ever felt?
What can you not quite grasp about neurotypicals ?
Do you repeat words or phrases over and over (echolalia)? How has this affected your relationship with your loved ones! How do they feel about it?
Did you know, that autism makes someone 3 times more likely to have a NA? How does this make you feel? Do you feel like your ND is a blessing, a curse, or both?
What is the most desirable trait another person can possess?
Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
What has life taught you recently?
That’s all. Please be kind to eachother
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