I wanna do a little thread about Mercury in each house. It’s so important to know because Mercury rules our communication and knowing this can help you communicate in your best ways!
So before i start the thread I’m going to explain Mercury in case someone is not too familiar already.
Mercury is the messenger of the Gods in mythology. Mercury’s action is to take things apart and put them back together again. In medicine Mercury is associated with the nervous system, the brain, respiratory, and thyroid.
Mercury is so important because it rules basically everything we do. The way we talk to others, the way we communicate our emotions, ordering something at a drive thru, even twitter is a mercury app because it’s endless communication and learning.
So communication, intellect and awareness are all within Mercury’s domain, as are logic and reasoning, manner of thinking, and how we create and express our thought processes.
It influences a chart with the power of other planets so it’s a malefic with malefic planets, and benefic with benefic planets. Seeing what’s going on around Mercury, what sign its in and also aspects are going to give you a better understanding of how that mercury works.
Mercury 1H •
Communication is tied to identity. People with Mercury in the first house are going to feel good when they’re being heard. Often the jokester or loudest one in the room, Mercury here isn’t shy. These people can be good at public since they find comfort in others -
-listening to them. These people can be well known and have a confidence with their speaking.
Mercury 2H •
Mercury in this house is going to be a contrast from the 1H. People with mercury here are not loud but rather protective of their words. They know what they’re thinking and often keep to themselves because, why share everything?
These people take words literally and are very transparent. The 2H is ruled by Venus (Taurus) so that’s where you get that transparency from. Never saying more than what needs to be said, it’s hard to get information out of these people.
2H is where resources fall so when Mercury is here they will preserve their words because everything is like resources and only those they trust will be given access to that.
Mercury 3H •
This is the house of home. Mercury does well here for its the house Mercury naturally rules (3H & 6H)
Great learners, always absorbing information and like to learn.
3H mercury people love to talk about things especially topics they can learn from. Think of a sponge soaking up water. They can understand topics well and place a lot of value of communication!
4H Mercury •
The forth house is ruled by the moon. These people express communication through emotions. They want their words to emotionally impact you. Very empathetic and can connect to other very easily using emotions.
It’s important to know how and what you’re saying to a 4H Mercury. History falls in the 4H so they have very great memories and can always remember back to how they felt in a situation. All these people want are emotional connections.
5H Mercury •
These are the entertainers. Life of the party, funny, these people express in playful ways. Fifth house mercury loves to learn and always has random facts in their back pocket. Also really good with kids.
6H Mercury •
Mercury does well here. Analyzing and trying to understand every piece of information is very important to a 6th house mercury. They process and sort everything into little categories in their minds. 6H breaks things down so mercury here will fuel that even more.
7H Mercury •
Communication through partnerships. Mercury is fueled when it can relate and understand another person. Partnerships are very important and so is the communication. Mercury functions good here since it likes to find common grounds and balance. These people have to-
-be able to communicate with a partner otherwise they will be left feeling uneasy and not balanced. (Libra - Scales)
8H Mercury •
Intense and deep communicators. Mercury doesn’t function well here because merc wants to give facts and info but the 8H is forcing to fight it. These people need to figure things out first because saying anything. In depth investigators, these people will dig deep-
-on anything they want to learn. Very closed off, these people won’t give up information easily, especially without knowing all the facts first so it might be hard to get any information out of them at all. They understand things on a deeper level and only confide in those-
-they trust.
9H Mercury •
Expansive messengers. People born with mercury in the 9th house are fueled by learning. Constantly wanting to learn the truth about life and all it’s philosophies, 9H people can be very drawn to some sort of religion, spirituality, or higher learning.
Since travel and exploration falls in the 9H, people with mercury here might be religious pastors who travel spreading their word, or someone who really loves learning about different cultures around the world. These people are packed with knowledge and don’t back down-
-they want their words to impact you.
10H Mercury •
Saturn is the ruler of the 10H so you can expect people with Mercury (or any planets) here to be authoritative. These people are good at working with others and often people will be drawn to them for their words and how they communicate (depends on sign placement)-
-Always backing up what they say, they’re also good at explaining their success. Talking is important to the career and so is authority. It’s hard to change what these people think and they’ll respect you a lot if you listen to their big ideas! 10H mercury always has a a goal.
11H Mercury •
Mercury here aligns themself with groups of people. Activists and often expressive of their passions, 11H mercury tends to stay in groups that think like themself. Not repressive of their words unlike 8H mercury, these people have an influence when talking to-
-others. Really good at explaining/talking. They want their voice to be heard. Networking does well for them for they are great at talking to others. Writers can fall here as well, speaking out loud is not always necessary for an 11H merc bc their words impact regardless.
12H Mercury •
I would say this has got to be one of the hardest places for mercury to be in. Mercury struggles to get out what is wanting to be said here. Mercury is a fast moving planet but when it’s in the 12H, it has no need to move fast. The 12H is all about secrets, karma-
-unseen things. It’s right under our horizon so it’s literally never seen by us. Any planets in the 12H will be difficult for it is such a hidden house in general. When mercury is here it’s hard to get ideas out, these people will hide their true thoughts for they are always-
-processing everything and thinking about it. Easy overthinkers, they also don’t want to say the wrong thing to upset you. They need time to prepare what is needing to be said but don’t be surprised if they try to run away from their problems. 12H mercury loves deep conversation-
-and deep connections. It’s hard to be understood as a 12H mercury but looking to see the sign and any aspects to it can help you see some more insight into your chart and true way of thinking.
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