Thread on some cool clip studio assets that are similar to procreates new update and are also cool in general !
There’s so many cool feature and stuff that new users don’t know about and it’s like !! You must know!
Magical eraser that lets you erase colors outside of line art without erasing colors wishing lineart! You just have to set your lineart layer to a reference layer (the little icon that looks like a lighthouse) for it to work and that’s it!
Similar to the halftone effect on procreate, it’s not free but!! Clip studio is doing a promotion right now where you get 15 clippies for everyday you log in. There’s six days left but you only need to log in for 4 days to get enough to buy it
Including a link that explains auto actions for anyone confused! It’s pretty easy once you learn how to import, record actions and play actions
That’s about it for the assets I know of! There’s so much cool stuff you can do on csp (even make your own auto actions) that it can be a little overwhelming but I hope this thread helps csp users looking for cool effects!
You can follow @peachieflame.
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