$100 million going towards trafficking victims to house and take care of them. What happens when the government who is giving the money for housing refuses to acknowledge they are victims and continues victimizing them as they are dying in front of them? Then what? Just this week
Alone, my husband has gone into another 3 police stations on top of the other several he has already been to. "I need help to save my family. My son is missing, I can't get a proof of life and my wife and I are struggling to survive because everything has been stolen illegally",
Their response, " sir. This isn't an emergency. You are standing in front of me and there is no injury or harm". We are literally victims of modern day slavery and are being treated as chattel and oyr son is missing. There is no help for us.
We are spiritually intelligent beings and we are being treated like this. Anyone doing this to us or any part of it is not spiritually intelligent and there is something seriously wrong with them.
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