Update: our org @NotInMyMarines was given a cease & desist re a HASHTAG that @MSTMovement claimed it owns. This nonprofit- allegedly focused on MST survivors- has targeted survivors and advocates for misuse of * #EndingMST*... 1/4
But this isn’t the first time. Janelle, CEO, has revictimized survivors & has tried to monetize stories to lift her own “brand” and image. When asked to report “misuse” of #endingMST (which was used to support the #iamvanessaguillenact), folks flocked to... 2/4
the org’s FB page to express their disgust & share how they’ve been harmed in the past. Of course, Janelle & her team have since deleted this thread but not before I snagged screenshots bc well, you’re not going to threaten @NotInMyMarines & others thinking we’ll be silent. 3/4
I want progress to continue w/ justice for MST victims and survivors, and those in the way of that progress need 2 be checked. ***Sponsors should know the serious harm @MSTMovement causes to individuals & real change. @amazon @Thefsfg @shopcom @Melaleuca 4/4
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