You will never understand Africa from any book, any picture. You need to feel her, experience her. As soon as you set foot on her soil, you will know that she owns you.
She will forever reside in the very depths of your soul; you exist because of her. You exist for her. And you might resist, complain, but she's there and you can never seem to get away, no matter how hard you try. You think of her. You talk of her.
You move away, you take a nationality of a country from another continent. But she owns you. She never relinquished you. She never will. She will torture and torment you. Always remind you. I own you.
It's as if she's the closest to heaven, and also closest to hell. The heights of joy and pain in a single breath. Embrace and rejection, in a single moment.

Africa- If you haven't experienced her, you haven't lived.
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