Every single day tens possibly hundreds of thousands of people enter the UK. Air, sea + land. The many entering are required to quarantine. Is there a register of these people? How many are tracked?
Our borders are hemorrhaging + we close pubs, bars + restaurants at 10.00
Every day children from multiple households congregate in a school or students in halls or at University.
How many don't follow the 2M rule + contaminate their family + friends?
But pubs bars + restaurants will close at 10.00 pm
Every day the Government are expected to do their duty + safeguard our welfare + act in our best interests
On Tues 22nd Sept the Government announced measures to protect us but their focus was diverted in an effort of self preservation + regulated the opening hours of pubs+ bars
Every day since January yes January the Government have failed us. Slow to react by at least a month, unprepared.
No PPE or testing, not enough respirators Not a thought for the elderly who were tossed away to die. Our brave NHS + key workers were sacrificed + we close bars 10.00
Every day since January our Government have failed us. Secret meetings, absurd polices, lack of policy, utter incompetence + corruption, dozens of U turns + they close bars, pubs and restaurants at 10.00 PM

This cannot continue
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