This is why we want you all to not buy the goddamned H*gwarts game and for fucks sake never let me hear the words “H*rry P*tter” ever again I’m fuckin done
Reminder ‘death of the author’ is only about interpreting texts it is literally impossible to divorce something from its creator

Especially when said text already has racism built into its narrative
“I can still like HP I don’t want to let her take that away from me”
Well trans folks don’t really have that luxury do we?
Stop giving her money, stop letting a universe she created have a cultural footprint by speaking about it positively and don’t buy the damn H*gwarts game
Literally every fucking nerd fandom YouTube channel pays her politics no mind at all and is uncritically hyping up the fucking H*gwarts game and I am TIRED and ANGRY
In essence:
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