Listening to Black Lives Matter Sudbury present at city council...
Dayumm, BLM Sudbury is calling out city council for their racism. It’s not even low-key. Direct call-out in response to some stating their support for carding.
From a councillor: “We all come from ethnic backgrounds.” He says he’s from Italy. “All immigration is important.” 🤮

Someone in the crowd nails the feeling of the gallery: “That’s a swing and a miss.”

Another councillor asks why BIPOC Sudburians aren’t joining the police board and other committees. The BLM Sudbury response was overly kind in making the suggestion that they need to actually reach out to BIPOC communities.
And each response from council is increasingly clueless, as the next one ask BLM Sudbury to work with the councillor that invited them to speak so they “can learn something” about how the city works. And yes, it was just as patronizing as it sounds. Honestly, GTFO.
I didn’t expect council to jump at the chance to meet BLM’s Sudbury’s demands. But I hoped they wouldn’t get an ‘all lives matter’ *and* ‘you kids need to calm down’. This is a bad day and a poor look for our city.
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