It's essential you get to the root of your negative self talk

Most 'depressed' people just suffer from terrible life choices, but many have deep trauma from childhood stuck on them.

You must dive into your subconscious and learn exactly where you are broken
Get in the habit of spotting when you do something out of ego/pride/hate vs. genuine desire

Learn the different physiological stimuli that accompany it

With that information, you can trace the trauma back to its source

I used to never clean my blender post-protein shake

Parents would get mad, obviously. And I'd get pissed back at them.

But not because of them. That small act revealed a childlike, spoiled laziness inside.

And that hurt. But it was INFORMATION gained through AWARENESS
So, I adjusted.

Now, that circuit is still a bit frayed, but 90% healed.
Notice yourself: it's an issue about a fuckin' clean blender

In no part of my life was I abused, starved or dealt with anything other than 100% love...and I still have trauma!

There is ALWAYS an issue you need to work on.
Now, imagine never dealing with this trauma.

Imagine having all of this rest completely subconsciously


But the elite/CIA/int. corps know you, because you're not unique, you follow human nature like everyone else

This makes you easy to control
Repressed hatred for your parents, and yourself can easily be transmuted by mass media into POLITICAL ACTIVISM.

They can manipulate your traumas through imagery, sound and headlines into ACTION against political targets
Many people who HATE the man Donald Trump do not have a policy based disagreement.

They simply have a horrible relationship with their father, and project him onto Trump.
This is one of many examples I could give.

The fact that someone's entire lifestyle, friend group and public appearances are held together by the hatred of one man makes it INCREDIBLY difficult to face their issues head on

Or they lose their life, built on a rotted foundation
So, don't build a life on a broken frame

Your #1 priority once you become "awake" is to identify and clear out your trauma, else you'll be controlled by hobgoblin influencers and media rats
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