Several years ago, there was this white nationalist thinker and organizer - can't remember his name (he's no longer with us). In an interview, he laid out a simple principle around which he and his fellow racists wanted to organize: 1/
His job, as he saw it, wasn't to convert white people into 'white supremacists.' No. It was much simpler than that. His job, as he saw it, was to show white people that they already believed in the same things as he did, but didn't want to admit it to themselves. 2/
In his view, a critical mass of white people across the political spectrum, had already lived/organized their lives in a way that separated them from people of color. 3/
"They live in overwhelmingly white neighborhoods. They socialize and commune with other white people. When they can, they send their kids to schools that are overwhelmingly white. Sure, there's some token black and yellow kids sprinkled in, but nothing to get alarmed about." 4/
To grow his numbers, they would lay off the shock and awe approach, and simply show white folks how their life choices, from where they lived to their voting preferences, aligned squarely with his. 5/
So, the job wasn't conversion. It was illumination and comfort. After all, you're not out in the street yelling about how you love being white, are you? No. You don't have to shout it out. The choices you make every single day say it for you. 6/
You've ordered your life around the maintenance and protection of your whiteness. So now, just take the next and last step: lay claim to your white heritage and align with others who want to do the same. And no - not the crazy folks in the hills. 7/
Align and lay claim to your whiteness alongside your co-workers. The white people at your church. The white folks in your social circles who are tired of all this stress and strife caused by black people and their antifa-loving friends. 8/
Remember - *nothing in your life has to change in any sort of drastic way.* You're already with us.

I think about that interview. A lot, actually.

Home boy was right.
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