lol wut
Those are all just since the end of July.
What the actual fuck
Also, no, he most certainly does not "advocate full legal protection and dignity for the right of trans people to live with their gender respected." That's just not accurate.
The Intercept should stick to what it's good at: burning its sources and getting them locked in prison for 5 years because they didn't care enough to actually protect their source.
In fairness, had their source had politically convenient views for that site, I'm sure she wouldn't be in prison right now.
Anyway, I'm sure Glenn's late for a taping of Tucker Carlson or some shit he's got to get to in between his daily raging-about-CNN-and-MSNBC-not-wanting-to-book-him-anymore-because-he's-a-crank session
Like hey man, enjoy whatever podcasts you want. But fuck off with this "uh, ACCCCCTUALLLLLLY JR is GOOOD on trans issues. Because he's not. He doesn't think we should have basic human rights. He doesn't think we should have legal protections, etc. So nah, GTFOH.
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