The biggest issue that non-Black people don't realize about Black people?

It's how fucking mentally exhausted we are. Seriously.

Since childhood, we are drilled with do's and dont's. It never stops from there. And then more gets piled on as time passes.

Hence, our exhaustion.
Black boys have to learn how to be Black men.

Black girls have to learn how to be Black women.


Because silly, you have to be the right "kind" of Black man/woman. If not, you'll fuck up your life or someone else's which will then fuck your life up ANYWAY.

Got that? Next.
Once you learn you're Black and what that means, then you have to accept your shade/level of Blackness. It's not just about being Black, you have to also acquire & learn what's associated w/your shade:

Pecan tan
High yellow

Those have "traits". Sigh.
Now that you know you're Black ✅
Acquire your shade traits/info ✅

Your work isn't done. You now have to learn what you "can/can't" do in social settings.

Your family/friends will teach you. You'll learn that these unspoken rules stay in your mind but don't leave your tongue.
Before a Black person reaches the age of 16, they are given a wealth of knowledge that's required for survival. Not book knowledge, but knowledge to keep you ALIVE.

And now that you're almost done with school, it's time to learn the unspoken Black regulations for college/work.
As a Black child, your Black family will provide you with a warning before your 18th birthday.

This warning is especially prominent for Black 16/17 year old boys:

Once you enter the adult world as a Black person, you quickly learn that appearance is everything.

You will be judged & valued on your looks. The way you speak.. Your background. Your complacency. Your willingness to settle.

If this sounds harsh, imagine living it.
If you're lucky, were told the unspoken rules of "successful" Black living in America & have the patience of a fucking prophet.

Being Black in the country who released you from hostage/servitude slavery, requires PATIENCE.

Even though we were never granted patience. Weird, huh?
You're now a Black adult in a world that was never yours.

You've had history & had a few classes that grazed over, you being taken from Africa. You probably learned this from a white teacher in front of white classmates.

That's where the prejudice began.

Right. There.
Before you could even learn who you were as a Black person, you learned that you were stolen from your original land..

From a world of people who look just like your kidnappers.

You learn about the slavery but never hear why it SHOULDN'T have happened; that part never happens.
From childhood, Black people are taught history, English, math, science, health, hell... Even foreign language.

What we are never taught or shown, is accountability from our oppressors. We learned we were oppressed, but never told why.

Imagine living life, not knowing WHY.

Not knowing why...
Never understanding why...
Making assumptions...
Being segregated & separated during development...
Learning survival before success...
Never being provided rectification or reparations.

This is why Black people are TIRED.
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