yknow what just ignore this thread im gonna be popping comfort headcanons here when i think of them

-shunsuke being absolutely fucking EXHAUSTED from a late shift n coming in basically at the dead of night and this absolute loser of a boyfriend of his attempted to stay up to help him out when he got back but he just comes back to find naomichi passed out (+)
(-) on the table with some empty energy drink can and they’re both like “alright you gotta stop overworking yourself for dumb reasons”

they end up not even making it to their bedroom they just fall asleep on top of each other on the couch
-naomichi carries gin on his back sometimes at shunsuke’s suggestion and neither of them approve at first but it ends up being a natural thing but neither of them will admit they like it
-naomichi is the ceo of terrible nicknames so he just throws a bunch at shunsuke hoping one’ll stick and shunsuke, not sure of what to do with all of it, treasures every single one

naomichi is really confused at first but then he just “oh oh my god what did i do to deserve you”
this https://twitter.com/ciphermitarai/status/1306026288184991745
-naomichi is the big spoon (obviously) n they really like cuddling like that, it’s just really comforting for both of them
-shunsuke cheers on naomichi during almost every match and is running out of work absences for it
-naomichi brings shunsuke lunch sometimes
-they’re both losers that huddle under a blanket together and cry during movies n just naomichi’s first instinct is to yelp at scary parts and cling to shunsuke which would be nice if he couldn’t crush shunsuke like a twig probably but he doesn’t mind
-their relationship kinda gets off to a rocky start because no ones exactly sure how to make a move and it kind of comes off as playing games for a bit and both of them are simultaneously “nooo I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable” and “STOP BEATING AROUND THE BUSH SHFKGK”
-they’re pretty bad at taking care of each other when they’re sick because the other always ends up getting sick themselves bc the immediate solution for naomichi is “affection will make this better obviously”
-shunsuke’s got a pretty demanding schedule so it’s normal for him to just fall dead asleep like, head on naomichi’s chest in a couch somewhere
this gets pretty normal, but the first time it happens naomichi almost loses his mind cuz he has no idea WHAT to do (+)
(-) it’s like “oh god there’s a cute boy cuddling me i don’t wanna wake him up shit fuck goddammit i am NOT GOING TO MOVE FOR THE NEXT 28 HOURS”
-he’s also not particularly enthusiastic a lot unless he’s around shunsuke id imagine
“okay we’re gonna go here and here and here this is gonna be the best trip i know it i- why are you laughing-“
“ahahaha... I’ve just never seen you this excited before”
-affectionate play tackling that’s it that’s the tweet
they just do don’t @ me
-hmmmm. thinking about the one fic i wrote where naomichi plays piano and shunsuke hums along. i think chanel should be a comfort song, what if one sings the other to sleep with it sometimes thatwould be cool i think
-THE GLASSES THING where naomichi takes shunsuke’s glasses and is like how do I look and shunsuke just goes “I... can’t... see????”
-naomichi also makes really bad jokes in an effort to cheer shunsuke up when he's sad. they always work because shunsuke has no standards and he also thinks its adorable
-they're afraid to come out for a lil bit so they're just regarded as the Best Friends Who Do Everything Together :) and maybe celebratory kiss every once in a while yknow NO HOMO

-they blow their cover really quickly and it turns out no one minds
-neither of them really do. pda…. it makes them both a little nervous LOL but they make up for it by being ridiculously affectionate in private
-obligatory "naomichi threatens to beat up anyone that messes with shunsuke" because he does
shunsuke himself makes threats under his breath when he's upset, but when asked about them just goes "ahaha no i'm fiiine" and naomichi just knows something's wrong
https://twitter.com/hayamadas_/status/1307393753376751622?s=20 heyyyyyyy
i just like the idea of naomichi being,,, really happy and excited around shunsuke because I headcanon he has issues showing his vulnerability and he considers that a vulnerable thing
he finds himself unconsciously doing that more around shunsuke the more he falls in love lol
also, naomichi gets a crush first, but is pretty bad at expressing his feelings and doesn’t know what to do with it so he talks to mai
Shunsuke is the opposite, it’s pretty slow going but he realizes it pretty fast. he ALSO vents to mai
mai sets them up because she would not miss that opportunity
Shunsuke takes any dramatic remark naomichi says Extremely Seriously like “ah no wait don’t beat up my boss” even if he knows it isn’t gonna happen and he’s laughing because yknow. Just in case
ohhhh naomichi's kinda teasing and shunsuke doesn't understand it at first but he learns to!!! they learn to understand each other and and and neither of them are experienced but they build a really healthy relationship :D
they're able to rely on each other for protection and comfort and I think it's neat
shunsuke has difficulty communicating any possible issues in the relationship but naomichi's pretty good at sensing them and working them out,,, he's careful because he knows shunsuke is stressed easily
if they ever fight, which is possible, it ends pretty quickly-
-because shunsuke apologizes fast and naomichi just can't feel upset at him for long, even if he does kind of have a habit of picking petty fights, he does his best to make sure they're joking and all that
it might not seem that way but he's really aware of any little changes with shunsuke, especially when he gets more defensive, I think he's good at sensing other people's emotions (unlike his own) despite how blunt he can be
shunsuke is pretty nervous to approach naomichi when he's down, this presents a bit of an issue at first but he gets less nervous with time
with time shunsuke learns how to joke back a little bit and it's just always so awkward and dorky and naomichi thinks its really cute,,
sometimes shunsuke kinda just like, it looks like he's spacing out for a bit and naomichi jokes about it and he's just like "ah no i'm sorry I just think you're really pretty that's all"
oh yeah naomichi being a competitive ass and just going "nooOOOOOOO I LOVE YOU MORE >:(" and then actually getting emotionally invested in it lmao
they do each others hair sometimes,,,, it always ends up taking like 2 hours and they both look ridiculous
I’m going to leave these here I hope you don’t mind-
1 https://twitter.com/enbykomahina/status/1308729807207895044
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